8:07 PM


Rachel: you say "lolz" at everything
and "zomg".
do these deviations from already abnormal english mean anything?

Rachel: Do you strive to be unique while knowing you are the same as everyone else, seeing as how these deviations have been already used and ground down into a fine salt that has lost it's usefulness and now just gets caught in your tiny scratches

the same scrathces that were caused by the rocks of mediocrity you broke down to create this sand

Rachel: *scratches
ah, so the mediocrity replaces content

Rachel: you see, this is something crazy about the internet.

Rachel: a lot of people think that the internet will destroy human interaction because like 50% of it is body language and stuff, yeh?

Rachel: but the truth is that there are still the dumb little things that we force upon each other in order to maintain a social equilibrium
of dumb things you dont want to do
and the people you dont want to talk to
things like "filler"
we say it but do we ever agree, do we ever laugh?
it's the same as smiling when someone makes a bad joke.
or saying "ok" to something you dont agree with.
If we don't know, why do we entice conversation that will lead to "idk", you never say that when you actually are answering a question that you didn't cause. You only say "idk" when someone asks you why you did something dumb, but never if someone is actually asking a question about...chemistry, or something.

This is a chat I had with a friend, I took out his responses though because they were one word replies, and just kind of dumb.
Also he refused to read IM longer than 3 lines ._.

"Thx" is another thing that pisses me off. If you really cared maybe you would say "thank you" but ok fine whatever.
>__> not enough time to frigging thank me.

The conformity always exists in human communication, it always will. The idea that you will ever escape some label or that you are above a label is preposterous. I exist knowing that nothing I do will be cared about ever and that even if I was cared about I will die alone and sobbing, just like how I was born.

And so here we are.
A cross roads.
Do you continue to try to stand out?
Or do you accept existence?

It's difficult, either way, to choose one to live your life by.
Or you could not care and just keep doing what you were doing.

7:39 PM

it's strange, the school year.

like a phoenix from the ashes, every year it is reborn. will other kids be in my exact shoes next year? saying goodbye to a luckily placed preparatory period, or saying good bye to passing friends?

it's strange, how self absorbed we are.

Yes, we all assume we are alone in our pain, while surrounded by those nearly identical to us in their melancholy, but the thing that makes us all selfish is not that we insist that no one else knows how we feel, nor that we neglect to console those nearest to us, but that we don't tell people what we feel. We whine, complain, but those are very different compared to actually telling someone.

i really dont want this school year to end.

1:21 AM


Sunday is always a nice day. You have to make yourself work to catch up with all the resting you've been doing all weekend, but occasionally you pause to nibble at the eraser at the end of your pencil and stare out the window-- the spring morning is sunny but chilly and a soft light peers through the glass. Birds chirp, but you can't see them, and your neighbor's dog can tell that it is a sacred time and is silent. A warmth spreads through you and you continue working, knowing that though you may not finish until late, maybe (just maybe), if you work a little harder, you can go outside and enjoy the nice weather. Even if you do finish, you just stay inside in front of the computer. But that hope is worth more than all the hours you spent in front of the whirring machines that surround you daily during Friday and Saturday. It's lovely.

12:28 AM


8:37 PM

10:12 PM


pokemon vers!

10:32 AM
